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Are Facelift Results Long Lasting?

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Do you want to achieve a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance? Facelift surgery (rhytidectomy) may be the answer. This popular procedure in Oklahoma City, OK, is designed to address unwanted signs of aging on the face and neck. So what's involved in a facelift, and how long are results expected to last?

At Cosmetic Surgery Affiliates, we strive to educate our patients about their options and expectations for cosmetic surgery. Below, triple board-certified cosmetic surgeons Dr. Courtney Caplin and Dr. Erik Nuveen share their insights about a facelift.

How does a facelift work?

Before discussing facelift results, it's important to understand what a rhytidectomy entails. During this procedure, incisions are made to allow access to deeper tissues. Excess skin is trimmed away, and the remaining tissue is re-draped to create a more youthful look. Depending on the needs of each patient, a facelift may also include the tightening of underlying muscles and liposuction to remove stubborn fat deposits. This comprehensive approach ensures natural-looking and long-lasting outcomes.

What do facelift results look like?

After a facelift, patients see significant improvements in their appearance. The procedure targets common aging concerns such as sagging skin, deep creases, and wrinkles. As the skin is tightened and repositioned, patients can enjoy a more defined jawline and smoother facial contours. Many people also notice a more rested look. Our professionals at Cosmetic Surgery Affiliates work hard to naturally enhance your unique features.

How long does a facelift last?

Our patients in Oklahoma City, OK, can expect their facelift to last for around 10 – 15 years on average. However, this depends on different factors, such as age and skin quality. While a rhytidectomy can effectively turn back the clock on your appearance, it does not stop the aging process. Factors like gravity and sun exposure can cause minor changes over time. Dr. Caplin and Dr. Nuveen can make recommendations for preserving your new look.

The importance of following post-surgery guidelines

To ensure the best outcomes possible from a facelift, it's essential to follow all guidelines provided by your surgeon. These instructions may include avoiding certain exercises or medications, keeping the treated area clean, and attending all follow-up appointments after cosmetic surgery. This allows your body to heal properly and prevents complications that could impact your results.

How to make facelift results last longer

Patients can do several things to prolong the longevity of their rhytidectomy, including:

  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle: Eating well, staying hydrated, and getting enough sleep all contribute to healthier skin.
  • Protecting skin from the sun: Wearing sunscreen and avoiding prolonged exposure to UV rays can prevent premature aging.
  • Practicing good skin care habits: Our team can recommend a personalized skin care routine to help keep your skin glowing and youthful looking.
  • Consider additional treatments: Some patients choose to have nonsurgical procedures, like injectables or laser appointments, to complement their facelift.

Find out if a facelift is right for your needs

At Cosmetic Surgery Affiliates, we understand that undergoing cosmetic surgery is a big decision. That's why triple board-certified cosmetic surgeons Dr. Courtney Caplin and Dr. Erik Nuveen provide thorough consultations to address any concerns you may have about a rhytidectomy. If you're interested in learning about this transformative procedure in Oklahoma City, OK, schedule an appointment with us today. There's no better time to start feeling confident and refreshed in your own skin.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.