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Is Liposuction Good for Stomach Fat Reduction?

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Many people want to reduce unwanted abdominal fat and achieve a more toned appearance. Cosmetic Surgery Affiliates may recommend liposuction when methods like diet and exercise are not enough to slim down your waistline. 


Below, triple board-certified cosmetic surgeons Dr. Erik Nuveen and Dr. Courtney Caplin discuss the benefits of liposuction in Oklahoma City. They also provide information on preparing for stomach fat reduction and what to expect after treatment. We hope the following will help you feel confident in your decision to undergo liposuction. 

How does stomach fat accumulate? 

There are several reasons why people are bothered by small fat pockets in the stomach or around the abdomen. Pregnancy and weight gain are among the most common causes, but natural aging also plays a role. And for some people, genetics are to blame for this difficult-to-reach area of the body. 

Abdominal fat makes it challenging to achieve a flat or toned tummy. Clothes may not fit the way you want, and you might feel self-conscious about your figure. A body contouring procedure like liposuction targets specific areas of fat to sculpt a slimmer waistline. No fad diets or exercise programs can offer the same results. 

Liposuction for stomach fat: what to expect 

Cosmetic Surgery Affiliates offers several liposuction techniques to meet each patient's unique goals. Dr. Nuveen or Dr. Caplin begin by conducting an assessment to understand your expectations about liposuction in Oklahoma City. 

A consultation may include a physical exam and a discussion of other body contouring procedures to enhance your results. For example, tummy tuck surgery could remove loose or hanging skin in addition to fat reduction. Some procedures can be performed at the same time for comprehensive stomach rejuvenation. 

Here is a brief description of our liposuction procedures:  

  • Laser-assisted liposuction: We direct laser energy to loosen and liquefy stomach fat before removal. 
  • Ultrasound-assisted (ultrasonic) liposuction: Ultrasound waves loosen and melt fat into a liquid form before it is extracted. 
  • Tumescent (“Super-Wet”) liposuction: We administer a solution to the problem areas, then insert a cannula attached to a motor to remove fat cells. 

Is liposuction safe for body fat? 

Liposuction is a safe way to slim down your stomach when performed by a trusted surgeon. But as with any cosmetic treatment or procedure, there are certain risks involved. Be sure to discuss potential complications with Dr. Nuveen or Dr. Caplin during your assessment. Cosmetic Surgery Affiliates is known for using the most advanced techniques and technology to minimize risks. 

What results can I expect from fat reduction? 

Most patients are thrilled with their liposuction results after reducing abdominal fat. However, you should have realistic expectations about the process. Liposuction should not be considered an all-encompassing weight loss solution. Dr. Nuveen or Dr. Caplin will show before-and-after photos of other patients, so you know what to expect. 

In general, you should have a slimmer and more toned midsection after liposuction. The results of your procedure are long-lasting, but weight gain can still affect your appearance. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular exercise is essential to preserving your body contouring outcomes. 

Reduce stomach fat with liposuction 

Excess stomach fat can be frustrating, especially when traditional methods have not brought much success. Anyone considering liposuction in Oklahoma City should call Cosmetic Surgery Affiliates for a consultation with Dr. Erik Nuveen and Dr. Courtney Caplin. Our team can help you achieve your ideal appearance through cutting-edge cosmetic procedures that help improve your confidence and quality of life.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.