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Will Facelift Surgery Get Rid of My Buccal Fat?

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Facelift surgery is becoming more popular in recent years. Cosmetic Surgery Affiliates helps patients look and feel younger by removing excess hanging skin from the face and reducing unwanted wrinkles. So, what is involved in a facelift, and can this advanced procedure also address buccal fat? The short answer is yes!

Now, you can look as much as ten years younger by working with triple board-certified cosmetic surgeons Dr. Erik Nuveen and Dr. Courtney Caplin. Below, our specialists explore this topic in more detail and provide helpful information on what to expect during surgery in Oklahoma City, OK. Our goal is to ensure you are fully prepared and have realistic expectations about facelift results.

What is buccal fat?

Buccal fat is located in the lower half of each cheek. Sometimes, factors like natural age or weight loss can cause a loss of skin elasticity, which means that buccal fat may droop down and become more pronounced. People with excess fatty deposits feel that their cheeks look “saggy” or “deflated” and may be self-conscious about their appearance.

How is facelift surgery performed?

Dr. Nuveen and Dr. Caplin personalize cosmetic procedures based on each patient's precise needs. In general, however, we recommend removing excess skin and lifting the underlying tissue to create a youthful look. Cosmetic Surgery Affiliates may perform treatment on the lower two-thirds of the face, enhancing the neck, chin, cheeks, and jawline. We may incorporate additional procedures as needed, such as a neck lift, forehead lift, or brow lift for dramatic results.

What about a cheek lift?

Some people want to focus specifically on the mid-face area and could consider a cheek lift as a preferable solution. A cheek lift is for individuals who are only concerned about drooping fat pads or cheeks that seem sunken or hollow.

During a cheek lift, Cosmetic Surgery Affiliates repositions the fat to enhance the contours of the cheeks. Our team can help you manage under-eye puffiness and mid-face indentations with this treatment. Best of all, a cheek lift is less invasive than a traditional facelift and requires less time in recovery.

Do you feel overwhelmed by options?

Don't be! A consultation is the best way to learn about your options for cosmetic surgery and what techniques will work best for your features. Dr. Nuveen and Dr. Caplin will evaluate your individual goals and facial structure before making recommendations. Remember that we can always tailor your treatment plan as your needs change.

What should I expect in terms of facelift results?

A facelift can improve your cheeks and other features, so they seem natural and not “worked on.” Most patients report looking younger and more refreshed after surgery with our team. It is important to have realistic expectations, however. Surgery cannot stop the aging process, but it can temporarily halt its visible effects for a significant period of time.

See excellent facelift results

Buccal fat can start to droop as a person ages. If you are unhappy with your cheeks or mid-face, facelift surgery or a cheek lift may be viable options. Speak with triple board-certified cosmetic surgeons Dr. Erik Nuveen and Dr. Courtney Caplin and see how we have provided youthful outcomes for countless patients in Oklahoma City, OK. Cosmetic Surgery Affiliates is proud to help people achieve their aesthetic goals.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.